$*************HEADING**************************************** $ PROJ 'L63ree18' 'L63' $ $ Infragravity waves and runup over fringing reef $ from Demirbilek et al. (2007) $ $ Test nr 18: Hm0 = 8.5 cm, Tp = 2.0 s, SWL = 5.1 cm $ $ --|--------------------------------------------------------------|-- $ | This SWASH input file is part of the bench mark tests for | $ | SWASH. More information about this test can be found in | $ | an accompanied document. | $ --|--------------------------------------------------------------|-- $ $***********MODEL INPUT********************************** $ SET LEVEL=0.051 $ MODE NONSTATIONARY ONED $ CGRID REG -15.72 0. 0. 28.9 0. 578 0 $ INPGRID BOTTOM REGULAR -15.72 0. 0. 2891 0 0.01 0. READ BOTTOM 1. 'l63reef.bot' 1 0 FREE $ INIT ZERO $ BOUN SIDE W BTYPE WEAK CON SERIES 'l63ree18.bnd' $ FRIC MANNING 0.01 BREAK NONHYDROSTATIC $ DISCRET UPW MOM DISCRET UPW UMOM H NONE DISCRET UPW WMOM H NONE $ TIMEI METH EXPL 0.1 0.5 $ $************ OUTPUT REQUESTS ************************* $ $ gauge locations POINTS 'points' FILE 'l63reef.loc' CURVE 'section' -5.00 0. 36 13.00 0. $ $ surface elevation QUANT XP HEXP 10. TABLE 'points' NOHEAD 'l63ree18.tab' TSEC XP DEPTH BOTL WATL OUTPUT 000140.000 0.05 SEC TABLE 'section' NOHEAD 'l63ree18.tbl' TSEC XP DEPTH BOTL WATL OUTPUT 000140.000 0.05 SEC $ $ maximum runup GROUP 'runup' 1 579 1 1 TABLE 'runup' HEAD 'l63ree18.runup' XP BOTL HRUNUP $ TEST 1 0 COMPUTE 000000.000 0.005 SEC 001500.000 STOP